Comprehensive Equine Consultation: 90 Minutes

Welcome to Your Comprehensive Equine Consultation (CEC)

The Comprehensive Equine Consultation (CEC) is all about strengthening your bond with your horse so you can springboard to the next level—whatever that means for you.

Your CEC session is designed to provide you with a foundational assessment and a practical, back-to-basics training experience, from the ground, to the saddle, and beyond!

What to Expect from Your CEC:

  1. Getting to Know Your Horse: We start by gathering valuable background information about your horse, including their history and current routines. I also want to know your story and your role as an owner or handler.

  2. Meeting Your Horse in Their Comfort Zone: Your horse's environment matters. To observe their behaviour and surroundings, we'll begin by meeting your horse in their stall or paddock.

  3. Understanding Your Current Practices: We will discuss the current exercises, routines, and training methods you use with your horse. This information helps us tailor the CEC to your specific needs and goals.

  4. Evaluating Equipment: Together, we will conduct a thorough evaluation of the equipment you use with your horse, from the halter and lead to the saddle and more. I provide suggestions and support for optimizing or selecting the right equipment.

  5. Observing Your Interaction: I closely watch how you interact with your horse on the ground, including how your horse behaves when approached in the paddock or stall, haltered, led, lunged, free-lunged or ridden (if applicable).

  6. Building a Foundation: I teach both you and your horse a minimum of three (3), SIMPLE and effective, foundational groundwork exercises. These exercises include work with a halter and/or a bridle to enhance communication and behaviour.

  7. Hands-On Practice: You'll have the chance to practice these exercises with me present, ensuring you and your horse understand and can perform them correctly before the ECE session concludes.

  8. Homework for Continued Progress: I provide you with specific, customized to you homework assignments to help you and your horse continue your training and relationship-building journey.

  9. Digital Support: For the first seven (7) days after the session, you can reach out for digital support via text or a video app during regular business hours (9 AM to 5 PM, EST). As you put your lessons into practice, I'm here to offer additional guidance .

  10. Exploring Future Steps: The CEC session concludes with a discussion about potential next steps. We'll explore whether you'd like to continue working with me for periodic or ongoing support and training. You will also receive a post CEC survey and an email from me with options for you to consider.

Before your CEC session, you'll receive (or have received) a pre-consult survey via email to gather information about you and your horse. You can complete this survey in a point or narrative form, whichever suits you best. This information helps us tailor the session to meet your unique needs and goals.

Join me and elevate your equine experience with the CEC!

Stay curious,

Cait Lynch, B.A.
Vitality Expert & Founder, Custom Fit Vitality
Owner & Trainer, Epic Sun Farm

Horsewoman | Equestrian Trainer
Nutrition & Fitness Coach
Entrepreneur | Author | Speaker | Student

Canine, Equine & Outdoor Lover

NOTE: Retail Value of CEC  = $150 (+ tax)

Your Special, CEC Rate = $125
(+ tax = $141.25)

To reserve your session, you can purchase via credit card (on this page), or via e-transfer to: [email protected] (no password required).

After purchase, next steps will be sent to you via email. Please allow 24 hours.

What People Are Saying:

Cait is (at least) three coaches in one: nutrition, fitness, equestrian PLUS lifestyle. I love her!


Cait's no nonsense, compassionate approach just makes sense to me. Cait doesn't waste my time.


Cait's fun, straight forward tips always add value to my life. Always!


$125.00 CAD

DISCLAIMER: All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. The ideas, procedures and suggestions offered by Cait Lynch via the web, publications and/or at Custom Fit Vitality at Epic Sun Farm or any other venue are not intended as a substitute for consulting your physician.

All students must sign digital waiver (check your email).

All payments are final. No refunds given.

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